In the recent years all over India there has been a drastic change in B.Ed. course. The switch over to one year course to two year B.Ed. course is quite interesting and challenging task. Any teacher education course seeks to train teacher having requisite teaching skills. Practicum approach adopted in the modern teacher education course is to place a student teacher in a classroom situation under the supervision of a qualified teacher. The concept of Internship introduced in the two year B.Ed. course throughout the country is quite challenging one for all the teacher education institutions. The aim of internship program is to incorporate teaching skills among the student teachers. Internship program is an effective way to give training to the student-teachers about real world of work. It give them an opportunity to integrate theory and practice, plan and deliver lessons properly, critically analyse their own and peers teaching styles and improve them in the light of feedback given by supervisors. Through this program they understand the role and responsibilities of professional teachers. Internship program also give them opportunity to understand different aspects of school program and improve their skills and abilities in teaching profession. An effective and improved internship program is required in developing student-teachers personalities as true professionals in field of education.
Significance of Internship Program
The internship program
is an educational
experience combining daily experiences in the classroom setting, time
allocated to work on assignments and exam preparation, and time spent
coaching extracurricular activities. Student-teacher interns follow
the calendar of a school and work in partnership with members of the teaching staff. A carefully planned internship program should fulfil the following
*Develop professional skills and
*Offers fruitful exposure on the
*Understanding the nature of
working climate and status
*Securing purposeful relationships
with the existing human resources.