November 6, 2023. November 10, 2023
Monday Friday
In the afternoon Bhagya and I had duty at conference hall. KANIVU, a program of the government, had conducted for the students of class 10 . Two counselors came and took this class. One of them was an advocate. The topic of this was about Sex Education. They gave a very good class for the children. They told and taught the children all the things they needed to know in their teenage years. They made the children understand what love is, about social problem, what is sex, about menstrual cycle menstrual hygiene etc.
It was a very good class because the two people gave good information about sex and other related subjects to the adolescent children. Their presentation style was very good and children listened very attentively. They told the children about the body parts and their characteristics, the difference between men and women, what sex is, as well as every problem and difficulty that arise during adolescence and how to overcome it.
At the end of this program there was an interactive section between the students and them. It was an interesting session to me.It has benefited us a lot. In my opinion, it is very important to give such classes to many more children. These classes should be given to children in rural areas. I am very happy that the government has arranged such a program.