Thursday, 28 December 2023

Last Day Of Our School Internship

December 22,2023

Today was the last day in Cotton Hill school. Children's Christmas Exam is ending today. Today I met the children of 8E and 9E, talked to them and bought them sweets. Children are very loving. Seeing all this, I don't want to leave school. This is the school that taught me a lot of things. The school that gave me the beginning of teaching. I will never forget each and every moment of this school. I am very happy and sad to leave this school. I feel happy that the work here is over but sad to leave the children. I met and said goodbye to my biology teachers at Cotton Hill school today. 
 The children gave me bye bye from to the school gate to send me on my way until I left. Then I realized that love is the most valuable than a gift. I really miss them. Today I took photos with my students. After leaving school, we went to Karamana Kumar's cafe to have food. We ate biriyani. I can't forget today.

Conscientization Programme

Conscientization Programme
December 4,2023

Conscientization is a neologism, coming from the Spanish word conscientización.It conveys the idea of developing, strengthening, and changing consciousness. It was created in the field of education, specifically of adult education, in the early 1960s, producing at the same time a new conception of consciousness. 
The topic we chose for conducting the conscientization program was about the a CONSTITUTION. Because November 26 was celebrated as the Constitution Day. 

The Indian Constitution is unique in both spirit and content. Notwithstanding the fact that several features of the constitution have been borrowed from other constitutions from all around the world, it is really a unique piece of work. The original constitution have been considerably changed by the various amendments that have been brought forth such as the 7th, 42nd, 44th, 73rd and 74th Amendments.
The Indian Constitution is not a rigid constitution. It can be amended by the Parliament following a few rules. There have been made many changes in the Constitution of India. 
We explained about constitution in detail. We divided this topic into sub- topics and present the topic clearly.  We clearly described about the importance of constitution. Most of the children in the class listened to this very attentively. 

I believe this class was very useful for those students as they understood 'what is constitution and its importance? '

Christmas Exam Week

Dec 11, 2023.                   Dec 22, 2023
Monday                             Thursday 
This week there were only classes on Monday and Tuesday. Christmas exam is starting from Wednesday(13/11/23). Most of the children are under tension for this exam and the training teachers are also under tension because they are thinking whether they will be able to write anything we have taught them. From today we have only exam duty and no need to go to class and teach. It was after Tuesday that I slept peacefully. Teachers give us discipline duty. Exam duty is a different experience. But standing for the exam duty is a bit difficult. Because we have nothing else to do, it is difficult to take the children for two hours under control. We also got the duty to pin the question papers. The children had their biology exam on Wednesday (20/11/23). That day I went to help children with special needs. Knowing that Christmas celebration is going on in our college on Thursday we were not invited and there was no Christmas celebration in Cotton Hill school. The reality is that we didn't get the last Christmas celebration in our college life. It's a sad situation.

School Internship -Seventh Week

Dec 4, 2023.                         Dec 8, 2023
Monday                                  Friday 

This is the week after the state level science fair. Today (December 4,2023) Our natural science Rajshree teacher came to observe my class. This was my second observation in third period. I taught 9E students. There were very few students in the class today.The topic was excretion in other Organisms. Reflections related to my class are written in my reflective journals. On Tuesday I had a substitution period so I taught some pending portions. On Wednesday, a program was conducted under the Teens Club and the program was conducted till noon in which there were dance programs and songs. Since it was a Teens Club program, we didn't get any classes until the afternoon.Rosh kumar sir came to this school for observation on Friday. I have set games for students. I only used a bottle in this game as an activity aid. Playing games with children was a new task and a new experience for me. Sir  spent only a short time with us because he wants to Observe physical education activities of all student teachers present in this school on this single day. I realized that if the instruction is given properly, the students will do all the activities correctly as well. We want to complete four lesson plans related with physical education.

Kerala State Sasthrolsavam 2023-2024

Kerala State Sasthrolsavam 2023-2024
November 30, 2023

Today is the starting day of Kerala State Level School Science fair. Student teachers from our college had duty in those days. This science fair was inaugurated by the Speaker A N Shamseer sir. The inauguration was done in the open auditorium of the school. Children and parents from many districts participated in this program. In the afternoon there was a state level quiz competition for students . Aswathi and I had duty in this quiz competition hall. I am very happy and proud to have participated in it because I got to see brilliant students who reached the state level. Actually all of them are winners but out of it one winner was found. Since it was a state level competition, there were people here from social media and news reports. When there is a state level competition, children compete for each district. My duty was to check the children's answers and call out the number to the judge. It was a quiz  competition topics related to social science subjects.  There were total 20 questions. The student who secured 17 marks came first. A boy from Kollam got the first position and the second position went to girl from Thiruvananthapuram. It is not an easy task to choose from these children. I felt very happy and proud to see them. On the second day of Shastrotsavam I did not have duty  because we were on duty on day 1 so this day was free from duty. 

School Internship - Eight week

School Internship - Eight week  (last week) 🙂 29 July 2024 Monday 😍 Today morning I had class at 9D class. Today I bought feedback from t...