Friday, 16 June 2023



June 13, 2023

       Today was food fest day. It was my first time to attend a food festival and that at our Government College of Teacher Education. So I was very excited to know what it would be like.   
At about half past ten our principal Sujith sir inaugurated the food fest. Sir inaugurated by eating the food brought by the children. The food fest was very successful because the students and teachers of the model school helped make this food fest a success.
Due to teaching practice, only BEd second year students could not participate in this but all other students participated in this food fest. I also brought a small delicacy 'Unniyappam', for the food fest and almost sold it.

      A variety of food items were brought for sale there and many students found Panipuri to be the most attractive. By noon all the programs ended and at the end there was a singing performance by B Ed students. Today was a very tasty and very different day.

World Environment Day


June 5, 2023
Everyone knows today is a special day because it is 'World Environment Day'. Today's program was conducted by our Natural Science Department BIOSTAR.    
Today's program's prayer song sung by a Kunjipathumma our senior. Anchoring was done by Kavyasagar. The welcome speech related to Environment Day was given by Rajshree Teacher. Today's program was inaugurated by our principal A. V Sujith sir.
This year's Environment Day theme was Solution to Plastic Pollution and the theme presented by Rajalakshmi. Our principal gave a very good speech about environment day. Kavya was the student coordinator, so she got the opportunity to say vote of thanks of this program. Since it was Environment Day, the mango sapling was handed over to the principal.
That mango sapling was planted in front of our college by, the Principal , members of Biostar Association and students together. This Environment Day's hashtag was Beat Plastic Pollution. I am very happy to be able to witness and participate this Environmental Day. 

School Internship - Eight week

School Internship - Eight week  (last week) 🙂 29 July 2024 Monday 😍 Today morning I had class at 9D class. Today I bought feedback from t...