Friday, 17 February 2023

Sports Club Inauguration & Sports Day

February 17, 2023
Today was Sports Club Inauguration and Sports Day. This event was held at the university stadium where all the students of our college participated. All students of M.Ed and B.Ed participated. We were all divided into four groups, first year and second year BEd, first year and second year MEd. It was a good competition.
  All of us participated in the march pass. After that, different kinds of competitions were held. Today's chief guest was Dr. Dr Raziya flagged off for today's programme.
 I competed in sports for the first time. I took part in a running competition (50 metres) for the first time. I was able to reach the second position. But on the basis of time only eight people were selected. After that I had shot put competition. This was also a new experience for me.
 Anyway, today was a day that I felt very happy and proud of because I got a confidence that I too can succeed in sports if I try. Thanks to Rosh sir and the principal for giving us such an opportunity.

Friday, 10 February 2023

Union Day And Arts Club Inauguration

February 8, 2023

Today's Union Inauguration started at sharp10 am. The program was inaugurated by film actor Sudheer Karamana sir. Today was not only Union Inauguration but also Arts Club Day Inauguration. The name of the union for this academic year is Onje. This is Tulu words. It means togetherness.   
The event started with the lighting of the lamp. Actor Sudhir Karamana is also a teacher. He shared with us his school experiences and film experiences.Today's program was anchored by Jessey . It was Vignesh who welcomed all the participants present in this program. The residential address was given by Praveen, the chairman. Santosh sir, our principal, also spoke two words about Sudhir Karamana. Similarly, Jayakrishna teacher, (staff secretary and Asst professor ofHindi department)  also spoke about him. Sharadambaram is a song from the Sudhir Karamana's movie and the song was sung together by Parvathy and Marya from our class. Bhagya also performed the dance. These two performances were very much liked by the guests. After all these, Arts Club Secretary Keerthana Anil ended the morning opening ceremony by saying vote of thanks. It was 12:30 p.m. 

when all the morning inauguration ceremonies were over. After that it was lunch break. After that we had our group dance. Everyone loved our dance performance.  Keerthana, Ashwati, Mahima, Veena, Kavya, Vignesh, Praveena Ajmal  Amal and I gave a dance performance. Similarly there were beautiful songs by Parvati and Reshma. After all the programs were over, we danced together and took photos. So Today was a great day. 

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Two Day Workshop On Learning Aid

February 1& 2, 2023
Wednesday & Thursday
Today's Workshop  started at 10 am. The program was inaugurated by our Principal Dr Santhosh Kumar sir. Dr. Jayakrishnan teacher welcomed everyone to this program. The program was hosted by Keerthana SS. Gauri sang the  prayer song for this program. 

Raman sir came as the resource person for today's workshop. He has been teaching to make teaching aids for more than 28 years and has participated and won prizes in teaching aid competitions. He is a very busy man and his duty is to go to all the schools and colleges and teach the making of teaching. Today is the first day of the teaching workshop today Raman sir told us how to write the chart and how to make it beautiful. All of us were seated department wise. All the students wrote the chart. Raman sir's specialty is speaking in a very moderate language. All the doubts were cleared for each child. It took me from morning till evening to write the chat. After that we put the chart there for safekeeping and then we went home at 4:30pm . 

Day 2
On the second day, the workshop started at 10 am. Today he teached about to make teaching aid. Different models were provided for each department. Each student made models imitating it. Natural Science Department has made and submitted 10 models. When these were done, it was 4:30 and then the principal and other teachers came and thanked him and we all said reflection.

School Internship - Eight week

School Internship - Eight week  (last week) 🙂 29 July 2024 Monday 😍 Today morning I had class at 9D class. Today I bought feedback from t...